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Mindfulness Dangers & Myths


Mindfulness Fails the Largest Study

“The results of MYRIAD, the most expensive study in the history of meditation science (£6.4 million funded by the Wellcome Trust), have recently been published. Over 8000 children, aged 11–14, were tested across 84 schools. The results show that mindfulness meditation failed to improve the mental health of children compared with a control group and that it might even have had a detrimental effect on those who were at risk of mental health problems (Montero-Marin et al., 2022).” -ACAMH
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Mindfulness Fails to Build the Brain, Says New Top Studies

“New, [higher quality] randomized controlled trials suggest that previous studies purporting that eight weeks of MBSR [meditation training] changes brain structure were flawed.” -Psychology Today

Meditation Apps Loses Half of Their Users in 2023

Users of mindfulness apps continue to quit in droves. The top two mindfulness apps; Calm and Headspace lose nearly half of their users. And the falling trend continues.

New study shows shame plays key link between narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming ("Mindfulness")

The new findings suggest that vulnerable narcissists deal with their deep-seated sense of inadequacy by fantasizing about situations where their shame is overcome; which they do in mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness Increases Narcissism & Aggression, Says Another Top Study

“Mindfulness enhances the effect of narcissistic rivalry...according to new psychology research published in Personality and Individual Differences. [Mindfulness practice] can exacerbate some maladaptive tendencies associated with narcissism.”

Why Renowned Yogi, Sadhguru Laughs At American Mindfulness?

In U.S., meditation has become about posing rather than puring - which is the root of being meditative. True eastern meditation is much more than just breathing and attention; these are the fruits of practicing the 6 principles of The Eightfold Path.

Renowned Meditation Guru Speaks Truth

“When you have a problem, [solo] meditation will not work.” -Daaji, Renowned Meditation Teacher

Headspace Tells The Truth, Finally

“[Solo] Meditation Won't Solve Depression...”

Does Mindfulness Really Help Sleep?

No, says the 1st objective study on mindfulness and sleep conducted by the world's leading researcher of meditative practices, Prof. Willoughby Britton, Ph.D.

Mindfulness Got Debunked By World's Largest Neuroscience Study — Max Planck

Evidence shows that mindfulness doesn’t lower social stress (cortisol hormone). World-renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Tania Singer: “You don’t get better because you breathe.”

63,000 Brain Scans: “[Solo] Meditation Fooled Us!”

What most believe that meditation calms the brain down is totally not the case based on brain scans. Mindfulness causes overactivity in the prefrontal cortex which causes multiple symptoms of depression.

Mindfulness Makes People Ruthless & Heartless

Stanford neurosurgeon and prof. of neurosurgery, Dr. James Doty suggests that mindfulness can possibly make people more ruthless, Type-A personality. And doesn’t help them connect with others better.

Is American Mindfulness A Corporate Scam? -Prof. Ronald Purser, PhD.

“There’s a lot of money to be made by telling people that they’re responsible for their own problems,” says Purser. Corporate mindfulness is a poor substitute for organizational change. It takes a structural problem and basically reframes it as an individual-level problem. When you put it all on the individual and say, “Well, just do this mindfulness practice,” it’s a form of victim blaming. It says: Stress is your problem.

Mindfulness Training for Teens Fails Important Test -Scientific American

A large trial in schools showed no evidence of benefits, and hints it could even cause problems.

Where's the Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works? -Scientific American

The ubiquitous technique for relieving stress and pain has remarkably little scientific evidence backing it, a group of scientists contend.

Mindfulness Training Does Not Foster Empathy And Can Even Make Narcissists Worse

The cultivation of empathy is a “presumed benefit” of mindfulness training. However, in truth, it's not.

Mindfulness Backlash: Could Meditation Be Bad For Your Health?

A cure-all for everything from stress to anger, or a load of marketing hype that could be making you more anxious? Anna Hart gets to grips with the growing mindfulness backlash.

The Trouble with Mindfulness -Psychology Today

1. Mindfulness is oversold 2. Too many mindfulness researchers, clinicians, and teachers are advocates and not really scientists 3. Too many people use mindfulness for narcissistic reasons.

The problem with mindfulness -Neuroscience News

While those who promote mindfulness claim the practice offers massive amounts of health and psychological benefits, very little scientific evidence backs up the claim.

What Mindfulness Gurus Won’t Tell You About The Dangers of Meditation

Psychologists Miguel Farias and Catherine Wikholm brilliantly explain what’s gone terribly wrong with the increasing popularity of mindfulness meditation.

Our Obsession With Mindfulness Is based On Limited Scientific Evidence

Mindfulness practices are promoted at major corporations like Google. And yet there’s still not even a consistent scientific definition of “mindfulness.”

The dark side of mindfulness -Daily Mail

It's supposed to be calming. But there's growing evidence the fashionable therapy can be harmful. Leading psychologists warn may exacerbate or trigger serious illness in some.

What Is Mindfulness? Nobody Really Knows, And That’s A Problem

A review published today in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science shows the hype is ahead of the evidence.
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