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Rehab Can't Cure

"People Need to Know Rehab Can't Cure." -Kelly Osbourne
Since 13 years old, Kelly had 4 visits to rehab, six detoxes and one visit to a mental institution. After being failed by status quo rehab treatment over and over again, she warms people that rehab can’t cure.

Harvard Doctor Debunks 'Bad Science' Behind 12-Step Programs
Alcoholics Anonymous is without any scientific evidence. "Today, almost every treatment center, physician and court system in the country uses this model, yet it has one of the worst success rates in all of medicine, hardly better than no treatment at all."

'I Was Fresh Meat': How AA Meetings Push Some Women Into Harmful Dating
Former peer support group members attest to not-so-safe space that exposes recovering addicts to sexual harassment – and derails their journey to sobriety.

The Surprising Failures of 12 Steps
How a pseudoscientific, religious organization birthed the most trusted method of addiction treatment. Say you’ve been diagnosed with a serious, life-altering illness or psychological condition.

Twelve Steps To Danger: How Alcoholics Anonymous Can Be A Playground For Violence-Prone Members
Karla Brada Mendez thought that she was getting a second chance on life when she started going to AA meetings. But instead she met Eric Allen Earle, an AA old-timer with a violent past.

Addiction Is Not A Disease: How AA And 12-Step Programs Erect Barriers While Attempting To Relieve Suffering
Defining addiction as a disease is marketing for the rehab industry — and an excuse when treatment doesn't work. The idea that addiction is some kind of disease is unquestionably the dominant view in government...

12-Step Thinking: Let’s Talk About AA and the C-Word (Uncovering Alcoholics Anonymous)
Some people believe that Alcoholics Anonymous encourages a cult mentality. No, not that c-word! To be clear, we’re talking about the word cult here.

Why the 12 Steps Don’t Work
It seems there’s a lot of misconceptions on the 12 steps and how they facilitate long-term sobriety. Awhile back, I attended a lecture by a prominent addiction researcher who said the greatest threat to 12 step...

With Sobering Science, Doctor Debunks 12-Step Recovery
Since its founding in the 1930s, Alcoholics Anonymous has become part of the fabric of American society. AA and the many 12-step groups it inspired have become the country's go-to solution for addiction in all of its...

An Analysis of Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program – Part 1
Enslaving behaviors are as old, and common to humanity, as sin itself. Since our fall at the dawn of time, we have been naturally enslavement to every destructive behavior possible.

An Analysis of Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program – Part 2
In yesterday’s post, we began an analysis of the packaged addiction program, Celebrate Recovery (CR). CR is founded on eight principles, taken from the Beatitudes, similar to the twelve steps of Alcoholic’s Anonymous.
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